Labels: thoughts and musings
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It was a microcosm of mine. Which the days I enjoyed the most in my life.
The place is part of my puzzle. I think I have left the place for dozen of years. Current life and nuisances certainly irk me a lot, this reminds me about my young days that only consisted of joys. I have never cried from the day I entered the kindergarten until I left it.
A : Hey, do you know we are from the same kindergarten?
me : Is it? I don't know.
A : Yea, we definitely from the same kindergarten. I've a video of yours. Mickey Mouse. *grin*
me : er...
Yea, I have performed on the stage before. As a Mickey Mouse. Kids on those days enchanted with Mickey Mouse what. However, I think that was the stupidest performance in my life. My face was covered by a mask. How could A recognized me in the video?
I was a gutsy boy. My mum told me that.
Mum : Hey, do you know you were a very naughty boy in kindergarten?
me : Where got, don't simply accuse me la.
Mum : Last time you toppled the study desk when your teacher argued with you.
me : er...
I can't imagine I did that before. Hmm, quite amazing but I really couldn't remember that. One thing vividly appears in my mind is I wooed a girl. A girl!! I was 6 years old, and I gave her blood-red rose(steal from somewhere in the house). Thus, I realize that I have an innate ability inherit from my leng zai father.
I went back to the place. I took a picture. I keep it as my precious one.
That was me. :)
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祝汝 生日快乐
Surprise! 13 bachelors back up for grabs. Any girls who are currently single and available or attached but need companion can grab this precious opportunity to express your care or wildness towards any single of them! Hot Deal!! Go through the profile and get your Mr. Right. Go go, don't be shy!!♂ 101010101™
Age & B.O.D ♥ 20, 27 August 1988
Height & Weight ♥ 176±, 65±
Location ♥ London, UK
Future Prospect ♥ Lawyer
(X) Smoke
(√) Drink♂ abc™
Age & B.O.D ♥ 20, 4 March 1988
Height & Weight ♥ 173±, 60±
Location ♥ Melbourne, Aus
Future Prospect ♥ Architect
(X) Smoke
(√) Drink♂ Barley-Ais™
Age & B.O.D ♥ 18, 10 October 1990
Height & Weight ♥ 173±, 58±
Location ♥ Kapar, M'sia
Future Prospect ♥ Civil Engineer
(X) Smoke
(X) Drink♂ galgalz™
Age & B.O.D ♥ 20, 28 April 1988
Height & Weight ♥ 168±, 60±
Location ♥ Kota Kinabalu, M'sia
Future Prospect ♥ Electrical & Electronics Engineer
(X) Smoke
(X) Drink♂ GoDevil™
Age & B.O.D ♥ 20, 23 October 1988
Height & Weight ♥ 183±, 78±
Location ♥ Melbourne, Aus
Future Prospect ♥ Mechanical Engineer
(X) Smoke
(X) Drink♂ Juno™
Age & B.O.D ♥ 20, 9 January 1988
Height & Weight ♥ 177±, 54±
Location ♥ Silicon Valley, M'sia
Future Prospect ♥ Nano-Optoelectronics Engineer
(X) Smoke
(X) Drink♂ keesouth™
Age & B.O.D ♥ 20, 8 August 1988
Height & Weight ♥ 172±, 59±
Location ♥ Kota Kinabalu, M'sia
Future Prospect ♥ Doctor
(X) Smoke
(X) Drink♂ kwlee™
Age & B.O.D ♥ 18, 15 April 1990
Height & Weight ♥ 167±, 40±
Location ♥ Shah Alam, M'sia
Future Prospect ♥ Entrepreneur
(X) Smoke
(√) Drink♂ LyrraD™
Age & B.O.D ♥ 20, 1 October 1988
Height & Weight ♥ 178±, 58±
Location ♥ Melbourne, Aus
Future Prospect ♥ Electronics Engineer
(X) Smoke
(√) Drink♂ m1-joliN™
Age & B.O.D ♥ 19, 5 November 1988
Height & Weight ♥ 174±, 60±
Location ♥ Klang, M'sia
Future Prospect ♥ Chemical Engineer
(X) Smoke
(√) Drink♂ starstriker™
Age & B.O.D ♥ 19, 18 December 1988
Height & Weight ♥ 174±, 67±
Location ♥ Canberra, Aus
Future Prospect ♥ Actuary
(X) Smoke
(√) Drink♂ X~Po(pCi)™
Age & B.O.D ♥ 19, 26 May 1989
Height & Weight ♥ 165±, 50±
Location ♥ Nilai, M'sia
Future Prospect ♥ Technologist
(X) Smoke
(√) Drink♂ Zech™
Age & B.O.D ♥ 20, 6 February 1988
Height & Weight ♥ 167±, 61±
Location ♥ Nottingham, UK
Future Prospect ♥ Mechanical Engineer
(X) Smoke
(√) Drink
Anyone interested in any bachelor please send us your personal information(format provided) via email. Personal information provided to us will be treated confidentially and no approach will be made to any person without your permission. For further enquiries, kindly contact Mr Quah Zheng Wei's Thai number +kapkapkamcumkatkonsamkap
Application format:
Name : (Full name as it appears in your NRIC)
Age : (Not exceeding 23 years of age as at year of application)
Email :
Choice of Bachelor :
Shortlisted Candidates
A list of shortlisted applicants will be announced and contacted immediately.
p/s : Complain from agent. Bachelors height and weight is so hard to be obtained.
Labels: friend and acquaintance
To fulfill JL request, hereby, a short notification will be announced.
3 hot albums have been released recently.
Jay - 魔杰座 (Everyone know this)
JJ - 陆 (Someone know this)
Mayday - 后青春期的诗 (I know this)
Dear all, please support original. I support you all morally. Yes!!
*any girl desperately to have a boyfriend? Stay tune and I will get you the best guy ever.
Labels: announcement
The Times Higher Education Supplement - Quacquarelli Symonds has released 2008 world universities ranking. Have a glance for the top 50 universities in the world and please don try to look for Malaysian university. Cheers. Wait for me MIT!!!
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Today I going to teach everyone how to cook special noodles with limited ingredients. hehe. Since I were starving just now, I have to cook or else I will starved till death. After looking for ingredients, I realised that my house got NO meat. Thanks to my vegetarian family, totally ban all meat.
First of all, prepare these stuffs.
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I am half happy, I am half sad. This is what we called mixed feeling that killing people.
I am happy. I have finally became an official HSBC scholarship holder. This is the first time I successfully secured an essay-based scholarship. I have done my homework prudently and taken everything into account before the interview. I have consulted Shi Yah and Chee Wei about their experiences and I have tried my very best to impress the interviewers. I made it!
I am sad. I still have to stay in this tedious school. Which I ultimately hate it. Consequently, I shunned every topics that regarding my school because I don't like to talk about it.Most of the companies turn me down. I reckon I will not have the chance to leave this place. Sigh. I have received offer, I have accepted the offer, I can't go. I envy, I envy, I envy!!!
Labels: thoughts and musings
Ladies and gentlemen, Google has finally unveiled their beta version of web browser - Google's Chrome. With the jumping of the giant search machine into the open source browser market, apparently causes vehement contention between IE, Firefox, Opera and Safari.
Chrome possesses simple design but sophisticated technology enable the web to be faster and consume less memories.
Labels: announcement
Actually this post consists 3 different entries which I have deferred for 2 weeks. Due to, laziness. Muahaha.. So, I have to shrink all of them into 3 in 1 coffee. Not funny right?
Volume 1 - Malacca Summer 8 Live Concert
Yeah. We the "Klang Gang" went to Malacca for the Summer 8 Live Concert. Well, before that we backpacked around Seremban and I saw 2 places that I should attach with pictures.
Yea, this is a scheduled entry and will only be posted this Saturday. Feel like update something but nothing to update. Hmm...
Why hybrid? When 2 different things mix up together and it produce something special. Such as bear mix cat produce panda, eye mix cat become matakucing etc. Thus, it become hybrid.
Finally, brand new template is up. It took me 3 hours to customize the scripts. Tired.
Saturday, YiMing leaving to Hong Kong. So joey, cc, woo and I decided to give her a farewell present and it's HAND MADE!!
Labels: friend and acquaintance
Today is a MUST blog day because today only appear once in 1 thousand years.
Today would be in Chinese. =〉
我没有很帅,也不会丑爆。算是ok look吧?最近我发现,原来很帅和不帅只有一个分别。就是帅哥会有无数的仰慕者,还是粉丝之类的,不帅哥没有粉丝,不过,都会有女友。这发现好像没什么了不起? 但我发现,男生的体重,绝对是交女友的关键!有人说,瘦的男生应该没什么安全感吧。这可不是哈啦的。
Labels: thoughts and musings
It has been the 2nd weekend I not being at home. It's damn a serious matter. People might think I am exaggerate, but the reason is I going to have a 3 weeks of unwashed clothes.
This week I went to Universiti Malaya for the 3rd Japanese Language Festival. It was an event mainly about Japanese language and also various of J-culture workshop. Participants came from schools and varsities around the Klang Valley area.
First time entering UM then lost inside. The place is really huge which I heard it covered a large scale of land from KL to PJ. Sounds impressive huh? But still out from top 200 in THES-QS ranking. No offence, just providing readers some information. Xp
I visited Chee Wei in his hostel. He complained about his lecturer pronounced 'donate electron' as 'doughnut electron'. He thought the electron is in a shape of doughnut.
I met plenty of nuisances that keep on showing off their Japanese. I also know 'Gambatte' and 'Yamateh' la, but I never show off.
First day I attended Japanese language class for dummies. Yea, everyone was novice like me. Frankly, I felt boring. Firstly, we sang the Japanese song again and again. Secondly, no leng lui there. *broken heart*
Second day. A lot of workshops provided such as Go, Origami, Yukata, Odori, Obentou, Aikido, Karate, and lots more. Actually I forget the names already. My friend and I were assigned randomly into the Odori workshop. However, we infiltrated into the Yukata workshop. Fortunately didn't get evicted since I got 'line-man' inside as instructor. This is the advantage to get to know more people.
Labels: event and function
Slept very late, woke up late. Wanted to have brunch, so I gave a call to CC. Unexpectedly, she went out! CC put me falcon jet. Sob. Jovie 100% have dinner with gf, so i decided to forgo the idea of invite him.
Thought of my foster sister in Nilai UC. What a delectable news, I met her there. All thanks to Jovie who fetched me there. One more time, I rided another 'Eight King Car' and had lunch outside. Nilai UC provide FOC bus services. It was a gruesome experience for kept riding free buses.
Reunion started in time when I got back. Kith and friends were mushrooming around. Poor guy, I know no one. We were divided into groups. Kuan Sim, Zheng Yang and I made it into the same group together with some unknowns.We experienced a downpour right after devoured the buffet prepared. Venue switched to classroom in academic block.
This reunion was undeniably better than the last one. Again, morale dance. Time to get high! The atmosphere was getting hot with respect to time. The morale dance I hate the most is 'fei xiang yang guang fei xiang ni'. Got tickled until couldn't breath.
Labels: event and function
I've been craving to get back to INTI since the day we've taken our A-level statement. However, I'd not get back often due to accommodation matter. Don't feel like 'kacau' people. But I do miss that place, a place full of memorable nostalgia.
An invitation email about RC & RS reunion was a pleasant news for me indeed. I'm telling INTI friends. Yes, I am going back!
It was a very happy journey, all the way I were anticipating the moment where we can gather back together regardless clubs, RC or A-level buddies.
Friday, I rushed to Mid Valley to meet Cecilia and her friends. She brought me to her new room. Wow, really small!! In fact, TINY. Never mind, it suit CC. I paid a visit to her new campus Sunway UC. Quite a nice place too. Very cold library and sumptuous washroom. Don't understand why CC keep complaining. =P
Labels: event and function
I can remember vividly the first time we get to know each other in STACT committee camp. She was my 'angel' which carried the obligation to take care of her 'rabbit'. The tie of friendship between us began right that day. All the while, she has been a very nice and caring person. Oh ya, a very smart girl too. Keep'on scoring A's only, B means nothing for her.
As a Rural Camp member, of course she dropped into my trap to join the really meaningful camp. Like what Kuan Sim and I did to our classmate. Very jingak. Well, the camp applied the same 'angel and rabbit' system as the previous. During the drawing session, coincidently, I became her 'angel'. Swapped positions. It was so unbelievable.
Someday, she asked me what was in mind when saw her name. I just smiled. Aiks, should have give the answer - Fate.
If not mistakenly, I think both of us have taken pictures during STACT 'angel & rabbit' revelation, Rural Camp 'angel & rabbit' revelation, Installation Night and etc. But I don't know why I don't have a single copy of it. So I made an embossment for her.
Really feel fortunate and please to have she to appears as part of my storyline in the college. The one who talk good about me in front of others and gave me a big cuddle when I was in depression.
Frankly, I did nothing much for her.
Hope she can take good care of herself in Queensland. Have a smooth flight. All the best!
Goodbye my Dear Rabbit.
Labels: friend and acquaintance
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Quoted from Steven Lee Khai Wei's Post
How about yours?
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