- You come out of a lecture and feel that you wouldn’t mind being hit by a bus.
- You are doing maths that the maths students don’t cover until the 2nd year.
- Using a hyphen (-) instead of a minus (−) loses you 1% of the module.
- You know the Greek and Arabic alphabets better than the language students.
- A 4 hour day is an easy day.
- A 9 hour day is still an easy day.
- You are up at 3am in the morning trying to finish yet another piece of coursework asking yourself… why?
- Shelf stacking at Tesco looks like an attractive career option.
- You come out of tutorials feeling like you have just gone 12 rounds with Mike Tyson.
- You feel bitter contempt towards anyone complaining of 2 lectures in a row.
- Someone complains about ‘take away exams’ you feel a sudden urge to hospitalise them.
- A lecture on Control Engineering leaves your ass raw and bleeding.
- Even Sunday starts at 9am.
- It’s the norm that you can’t fit an equation on 1 line of a page.
- Handing in an assignment just means that’s there’s a new one to complete.
- Time is measured in submission deadlines.
- You could run a marathon in the time it takes to do 1 question.
- 24 hours in a day doesn’t seem enough.
- You find out you have 3x as many exams as practically everyone else.
- You frequently ask yourself why the f**k are you doing this.
- You are used to covering a ridiculously large span of subjects to the same standard as the respective degree students.
- Breasts in a lecture theatre generally means theres a guy who's let himself go a bit.
- You would assume a horse is a sphere to make the maths easier.
- Your best friend is your calculator.
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Best of All!
I also dono what i studying
hahaha..super charm engineering student
but better than visualizing molecules in diff. angles and trying to find their symmetry :S
yy : #17.. when i was doing my partial differential equation.. hahaha..
joey : eh.. u medicine student come here do wat?
sy : dunno y #23 visualize house as sphere.. if for me... hmmmmm.....
#2 happened to me when i was having comm engineering where we use Fourier which we learned later on.. =.=
#7 happens everyday.. LOL..
haha. funny.
tc : haha.. Fourier series.. i like! comm engineering.. i dislike!
ano : ??
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