Time to Get Married

on Saturday, 28 November 2009

10 years ago, I was asked by my grandma, when will I get married. I was little. "Mm Zai (I don't know in teochew)", I answered. She said, I should get married at 30. "Tai Lao Liao La (that's too old in teochew)", I shouted. She was amused and dispersed around to the neighbors.

Back in few years ago, I was perplexed that when should I get married. After considered really carefully, I have decided to get married in between 32 to 34. Yes, I fixed the plan and make it as a target to boost my financial stability before I get married.

Weeks ago, my uncle asked me when do I wanted to get married (due to relatives all getting married). I answered firmly, 32! You crazy, he shouted. Your son going to called you "ah gong(grandpa)".

Few days ago, one of my friend asked me, when will I get married. Again, I answered, 34! "chi sin ar you (are you crazy?), when you are 50 years old your son merely 16", my friend said.

Now I'm puzzled by this question again. However, I hope I could stick with my plan.

Since everyone is concerning the age gap between my children and I, then I have to think a way to reduce the gap and in the same time get married on my targeted age.



on Sunday, 1 November 2009

Why? Why are you so greedy? Why are you so greedy!? WHY ARE YOU SO GREEDY!!!!!!!

Return my phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!